Gian Carlo Soave specialises in insurance law, civil liability and contract law; he boasts a vast expertise in judicial proceedings and settlement procedures, both in civil and criminal courts, and always aims to resolve controversies with the best possible client outcome.

With regards to insurance claims, the firm has perfected an effective management system that relies on theoretical expertise, on the one hand, and on the other on the ability to liaise with Clients also thanks to a proficient use of digital communications.

Settlement procedures

According to Gian Carlo Soave’s experience, the main goal in a trusting lawyer-client relationship is to aid and support the Client in effectively managing its claims, defending him in litigation procedures from the excessive risks tied to the uncertainty of costs and, in the current economic contingency, from losses due to debtor insolvency.

To guarantee the best possible outcome for clients, sometimes containing the controversy itself may be preferable to containing litigation costs. Gian Carlo Soave has matured specific competences in settlement and mediation procedures aimed at settling claims out of court.

Genoa – Office

Via Goffredo Mameli, 1 / 2
16122 – Genoa – Italy
Tel. +39 010.819039

Milan – Office

Via Giovanni Spadolini 7, Centro Leoni,
Building B – 20141 – Milan – Italy
Tel +39 02 30323831
Fax +39 02 30323801